Víctor Monge SERRANITO



...Victor Monge "Serranito" has reaches such a high compositiv concept, that his music is more proper of angels than human beings....  "deflamenco.com. Bienal Málaga" 

Canberra, W.L. Hoffman - THE CAMBERRA TIMES
“...I found everything that Víctor Monge played fascinating; for his imaginative improvisations and the wide expressive range he brought to the music as much as for the sheer brilliance of the playing itself...”

Serranito en Moscú - 2007Copenhagen, Jan Jacoby - POLITIKEN
Passion... "Fascinación del Flamenco, danza y guitarra". Elegant interpretation of flamenco, made by Serranito’s Group: vitality, pride, happiness of living, and over all, passion...Serranito, warm musician with a strong personality regarding his guitar interpretation ...

Cordoba, Agustín Gómez - DIARIO CÓRDOBA
One must see his left hand jumping, leaping trough the diapason. Also his thumb is a technical display without precedents. Víctor Monge sounds different, he is personal, he does not resemble anyone. His renovation is made over himself... a strong, heartbreaking and passionate touch: personal and original.

Delhi, Saloni Ka - INDIAN EXPRESS
“...his flair for intense drama gives depth and dimension to that earthy elemental reality, vibrant sound encasing a rapturous audience in the most incredible music heard in the recent past..”

El Cairo, Samira Shafiq - LE JOURNAL D’EGYPTE
Having the ticket was a miracle, the theater was completely full... the administration of the opera had to put additional chairs. Master Serranito presented the piece Ecos del Guadalquivir... excellent guitarist, spectacular in his expression with the highest style, close to our oriental emotions.

Hong Kong
As a composer he blends traditional forms with contemporary ideas regarding vocals, rhythm, harmony and new instrumentation..

Huelva, Manuel Martín - EL MUNDO
The most admirable... is the interlace of the tonalities that create a unique musical corpus and the amplification of the sonorities through harmony...

Jakarta, Gus Kairupen - THE JAKARTA POST
Serranito even bedazzled the audience with a breathtaking display of pure improvisatory genius. Flawless balance of technique and intelligence.

Jerusalem, Dora Sowden - ISRAEL POST
And his expressive range spanned all degrees of intensity, he produced rich tones that resonated with feeling, his fingers were flying all over the fretboard, turning out fiery flurries of ringing notes.

Kiel, Hannes Hansen - KIERL NACHRICHTEN
His flamenco is more sensitive, more lyric and poetic than the usual. His magnificent musicality and the perfect sway over the instrument are used to create fragile melodic lines, which, besides its speed, do not loose the individual beauty in each tone.

Manila, Rosalinda L. Orosa - PHILIPPINE DAILY INQUIRER Bea
The variety of his individual, distinctive, and very imaginative improvisations on melody and rhythm, the richness of his harmonies, the vigour and force of his strumming, his wide range of artistic and emotional expression, - all these made for superb guitar playing.

México D.F., Maridel García - EL HERALDO
Technique, extensive experience, highest flamenco... Serranito is the Music of knowledge... is experience and time... he is a master on the stage, attracting the rays of light as a prophet... his guitar became spring... faithful to the mystery of Flamenco.

Montreal, Philippe Tétreau - LA PRESSE, MONTREAL
His art is deep and austere, all nuances, it is a perfect virtuosity always subject to the artist´s will. Serranito captivates the audience with his speed and variety of ornaments.

New York, Allen Hughes - THE NEW YORK TIMES
"...this virtuoso ... builds the most baroque flamenco ornamentation... respectful towards sound and musical color, as a flamenco must be... his concert was absorbed by his fingers without sacrificing the rhythm harmony..."

Nicaragua, Mariela Ocon R. - LA PRENSA ,
He is one of the composers who takes the most care about the fragile balance between the form and the essence of his compositions, which has elevated him to an amazing perfection in his Music.

San José, José Manuel Rojas - LA NACION
The public applauded, one more time, before he started to play, the presence of Serranito, the unmistakable personality of the flamenco guitar in a musical worldwide level. One of the characteristics of style is the rhythm..., which Serranito dominates with his instrument, especially with his outstanding right hand.



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